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Alex Schomburg

Alex Schomburg (1905 - 1998) was active/lived in New York, Washington, Oregon.  Alex Schomburg is known for Genre-science fiction, illustrator.

A book and science fiction magazine and comic book illustrator and painter known for his airbrush work, Alex Schomburg also worked in oil, tempera, watercolor, pen and ink.

Schomburg was born on May 10, 1905 in the small town of Aguadilla in the northwest corner of Puerto Rico. Young Alex lost his mother in 1911, and his father one year later. In 1917 at the age of 12, Alex arrived in New York harbor at Ellis Island in December. Years passed, and Alex and his older brothers began to find success in commercial art. By the age of 18, Alex had become a professional artist and worked on many projects with his brothers. His brother, August Schomburg (1897-1973) was also an illustrator, whose work included "Saturday Evening Post" covers.

Publications for which he illustrated included "Cosmos", "Captain America", "Green Hornet Comics", "Kid Comics" and "Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine". After 40 years as a professional artist, Schomburg was recognized for his contribut   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 1421 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 99 auction lots for Alex Schomburg (of which 74 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Alex Schomburg as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Alex Schomburg in 0 of its research Essays. Alex Schomburg has 9 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Alex Schomburg available:    Artist Unknown,  Al Feldstein,  Wally Wood,  Virgil Finlay,  Steve Ditko,  Frank Rudolph Paul,  Roy Krenkel,  Michael Whelan,  Joe Jusko,  Bernie Albert (Berni) Wrightson,  Ken Kelly,  Barry Windsor-Smith,  Harvey Kurtzman,  Russ (Russell) DeHart Heath Jr,  Jack Kirby,  Gray Morrow,  Charles Clarence Beck,  Frank Frazetta,  John Romita Sr,  Ernie Chan,  Ross Andru,  Frank Freas,  Jeffrey Jones,  Bill Hess Ward

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